The largest share was held by companies active in the ‘Services’ sector, 40.9 percent respectively. Industrial enterprises had the largest share in terms of the average number of employees (35.8 percent), followed by those in services (31.6 percent).

The average size of industrial enterprises was the one with about 27 employees, while in the trade sector it stood at about 5 employees. As concerns the turnover, the largest share was held by companies whose main activity is trade (39.9 percent), construction companies accounting for only 7.3 percent.

The gross added value to the cost factors was obtained in 2012, in the proportion of 42.7 percent in industry, 8.3 percent in constructions, 17.9 percent in trade and 31.1 percent in services. The investments structure of the sectors is as follows: industry 45 percent, constructions 21.3 percent, trade 10.7 percent and services 23 percent.


The gross results recorded positive values (profit) in the industry, trade and services , the ‘ Constructions ‘ sector being the only one with negative values (on loss). (source: