Adjusted to purchasing power standards (PPS), the lowest natural gas prices for household consumers were registered in Luxembourg (4.2 PPS per 100 kWh), Latvia (4.1 PPS), Great Britain (5.5 PPS), Belgium (5.8 PPS) and Romania (6.2 PPS), while the highest prices were registered in Portugal (12.8 PPS), Spain (10.5 PPS) and Bulgaria (10.3 PPS).


When it comes to the price of electricity for household consumers Romania was also among the countries with the lowest prices in the EU, with a price of EUR 12.5 per 100 kWh, lower prices being registered only in Bulgaria (EUR 9) and Hungary (EUR 11.5).


On the other hand, when adjusted to purchasing power standards, the lowest prices of electricity for household consumers were registered in Finland (12.4 PPS per 100 kWh), Latvia (13.7 PPS) and Luxembourg (14.2 PPS), while the highest prices were registered in Germany (28.2 PPS), Cyprus and Portugal (27.4 PPS each), and Spain (26 PPS). (source: